
Improving Reliability Between Substations for a Nonprofit Public Utility

electric substation in blue


PFES was hired by a large nonprofit public utility to manage a $33M project which included the replacement of an existing 16-mile 138kV, 795 Aluminum Core Steel Reinforced / Drake conductor with like in-kind conductor and at minimum maintain the 221 MVA rating of the transmission line to improve system reliability between two substations.

As part of the reconductoring effort, the system was storm hardened with a required replacement of 50+ directed embedded structures (nearly 20 of which required robust pier foundations), along with the coordination between the state's Department of Transportation and Army Corp of Engineers (ACE) for crossing a major river.

Our Approach

PFES managed the entire project’s scope including the initiation phase, the transmission system storm hardening design, the interconnection plans, outage coordination windows, substation terminations, construction means and methods approvals, and weekly teams' reporting. PFES also completed the monthly project reporting and led the project executive leadership meetings. The project was successful with the implementation of field observations which were used to confirm compliance with design specification and construction installation standards, and the project achieved the required In-Service Date (ISD) without any safety accidents and/or injuries.

Major Project Tasks:

  • Perform a LIDAR inspection to provide an accurate elevation model for the transmission line by measuring the contour of the ground below the transmission line, the position of the structures, and the conductor clearance requirements
  • Perform landowner notification about the planned construction window
  • Replace structures on the transmission line to meet PUC Storm Hardening requirements and to Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) capable structures
  • Replace approximately 16 miles of the existing 795 Aluminum Core Steel Reinforced (ACSR) Drake conductor with like in-kind conductor and at minimum maintain the 221 MVA rating of the transmission line
  • Install OPGW shield wire on two transmission lines
  • Provide foundation remediation on structures which are not replaced
  • Install raceway for OPGW into both the substations
  • Install splice can, facility entry, Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP), and fiber transceivers at both substations
  • Install sub-wide area network (SubWAN) firewall at one of the substations
  • Amend certain existing easements for relocation, reconstruction and/or rights to upgrade and rebuild the client's TSC transmission lines as necessary to ensure that these facilities can be properly operated and maintained
  • Perform an as-built Lidar survey
  • Convert transmission line relaying scheme for transmission line to fiber communications
  • Identify and resolve Right of Way (ROW) encroachments
  • Confirm notification and backup strategies for large wholesale power customers
  • Coordinate with the client and state governing boards for outage availability

Critical Success Factors:

  • Completing the project by In-Service Date (ISD) provides subtending ring path needed for redundancy to power plants and substations
  • No interruption of services for large wholesale power customers
  • No impact of delays in approvals from local and state councils and governing boards
  • No impact of delays in approvals from Army Corp of Engineers (ACE)
  • No impact of delays in approvals from the state's Department of Transportation

The Perfect Consulting Partner for Non-profit Public Utilities

Our team consists of industry heavyweights that bring substantial expertise to the table for our clients. We partner with you to reduce risk and uncertainty in your capital projects, delivering initiatives on time with significant cost savings while meeting industry and safety standards. Contact us today to find out how we can help.

August 1, 2024
Case Studies
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Man sitting on turbine with hard hat looking at a field of turbines